A105N flange means the steel flange made by A105N material.A105N steel has no grade in the ASTM A105 standard,N means the heat treatment Normalization to the steel.(What is A105 steel flange?)

Raw material of ASTM A105N flange
ASTM A105 is the most common forged carbon steel material for flanges,but it is not suitable in low temperature service,A105N steel is widely used as the flanges material in low temperature service and other critical application.

Heat treatment of A105N steel flange
After normalization,A105 steel will remove the internal stresses caused by casting,forming or forging.The normalizing heat treatment will ensure the A105N has superior properties to that of the A105.If a inquiry specifically indicates they need A105N,then it is necessary to use A105N material.

Finished ASTM A105N steel flange in Haihao Group
Hebei Haihao Flange Factory is professional in production of ASTM A105N forged steel flanges,welcome to contact us for quotation.