If you live in north of China,you have to put mask on,because it’s smoggy.The haze not only brings harm to the human body,but effect the steel industry in this area.
First,many steel companies and steel pipe factories were forced to increase investment in environmental protection, then steel costs will rise,the cost will be transferred to the product and increase the steel products price in market.
Second, in order to control the haze and fog situation,the government will inevitably require temporary shutdown to the factories,then short-term market supply may be reduced,coupled with the current shortage of market resources, the trend of price increasing may keep for long time.
Third, affected by haze,some power plants,coking and other enterprises will also be limited in working,raw materials supply may be a problem to the steel pipe and fittings company,it will also affect the normal production,resulting in discontinuous production and increased costs definitely.
As the most important piping products manufacturing area,a lot of steel pipes,pipe fittings and flanges factories are facing this problem now.