Hebei Haihao Flange Factory is busy working in the 20 pieces tube sheets.This is the second phase of tube sheets order for heat exchanger which will be installed in Australia.
The outer diameter of the tube sheets are around 4 meters,only several biggest companies in China can produce them.After the first phase of tube sheets supplied by HaiHao are installed successfully,we got this new requirement.
To make sure the material quality of the tube sheet,our engineer set a suitable drilling and machining speed and arrange the PT inspection in the manufacturing process.Besides this,using the CNC lathe and drilling machine also help a lot to control the precision and tolerance of the tube sheets.
This exporting tube sheets manufacturing showed our strength in large size tube sheets,forged flanges and forged rings.Haihao Flange Factory will keep the excellent performance to help our clients.(Client Inspect Tube Sheets Quality and Production In Haihao Group)