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Hebei haihao high pressure flange & pipe fitting group was established in 1982, located in Mengcun County the hometown of pipe fittings in China.

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ASME B16.5 Threaded Flange Dimensions

Threaded Flanges are used for special circumstances with their main advantage being that they can be attached to the pipe without welding. Sometimes a seal weld is also used in conjunction with the threaded connection. Although still available in most sizes and pressure ratings, screwed fittings today are used almost exclusively in smaller pipe sizes.

ASME B16.5 Threaded Flange Class 150/300LBS Dimensions

ASME B16.5 Threaded Flange Class 150/300LBS Dimensions


ASME B16.5 Threaded Flange Class 150LBS Dimensions
NPS A B I Holes C D F G Weight
1/2″ 89 19.85 15.7 4 11.2 15.7 30.2 35.1 0.41
3/4″ 99 25.25 15.7 4 12.7 15.7 38.1 42.9 0.59
1″ 108 31.63 15.7 4 14.2 17.5 49.3 50.8 0.8
1-1/4″ 117 40.43 15.7 4 15.7 20.6 58.7 63.5 1.04
1-1/2″ 127 46.53 15.7 4 17.5 22.4 65 73.2 1.37
2″ 152 58.53 19.1 4 19.1 25.4 77.7 91.9 2.12
2-1/2″ 178 70.46 19.1 4 22.4 28.4 90.4 104.6 3.42
3″ 191 86.36 19.1 4 23.9 30.2 108 127 4.04
3-1/2″ 216 99.06 19.1 8 23.9 31.8 122.2 139.7 5.01
4″ 229 111.76 19.1 8 23.9 33.3 134.9 157.2 5.54
5″ 254 138.76 22.4 8 23.9 36.6 163.6 185.7 6.41
6″ 279 165.76 22.4 8 25.4 39.6 192 215.9 7.81
8″ 343 216.56 22.4 8 28.4 44.5 246.1 269.7 12.64
10″ 406 270.46 25.4 12 30.2 49.3 304.8 323.9 17.44
12″ 483 321.26 25.4 12 31.8 55.6 365.3 381 27.63
14″ 533 353.06 28.4 12 35.1 57.2 400.1 412.8 36.21
16″ 597 403.86 28.4 16 36.6 63.5 457.2 469.9 47.11
18″ 635 454.66 31.8 16 39.6 68.3 505 533.4 51.56
20″ 699 505.46 31.8 20 42.9 73.2 558.8 584.2 65.66
24″ 813 607.06 35.1 20 47.8 82.6 663.4 692.2 92.73
ASME B16.5 Threaded Flange Class 300LBS Dimensions
NPS A B I Holes C D F G Weight
1/2″ 95 19.85 15.7 4 14.2 22.4 38.1 35.1 0.66
3/4″ 117 25.25 19.1 4 15.7 25.4 47.8 42.9 1.12
1″ 124 31.63 19.1 4 17.5 26.9 53.8 50.8 1.39
1-1/4″ 133 40.43 19.1 4 19.1 26.9 63.5 63.5 1.71
1-1/2″ 155 46.53 22.4 4 20.6 30.2 69.9 73.2 2.52
2″ 165 58.53 19.1 8 22.1 33.3 84.1 91.9 2.94
2-1/2″ 191 70.46 22.4 8 25.4 38.1 100.1 104.6 4.49
3″ 210 86.36 22.4 8 28.4 42.9 117.3 127 6.04
3-1/2″ 229 99.06 22.4 8 30.2 44.5 133.4 139.7 7.61
4″ 254 111.76 22.4 8 31.8 47.8 146.1 157.2 9.93
5″ 279 138.76 22.4 8 35.1 50.8 177.8 185.7 12.62
6″ 318 165.76 22.4 12 36.6 52.6 206.2 215.9 16.27
8″ 381 216.56 25.4 12 41.1 62 260.4 269.7 24.99
10″ 445 270.46 28.4 16 47.8 66.5 320.5 323.9 35.62
12″ 521 321.26 31.8 16 50.8 73.2 374.7 381 51.67
14″ 584 353.06 31.8 20 53.8 76.2 425.5 412.8 71.38
16″ 648 403.86 35.1 20 57.2 82.6 482.6 469.9 91.08
18″ 711 454.66 35.1 24 60.5 88.9 533.4 533.4 112.16
20″ 775 505.46 35.1 24 63.5 95.3 587.2 584.2 138.79
24″ 914 607.06 41.1 24 69.9 106.4 701.5 692.2 208.43
ASME B16.5 Threaded Flange Class 400-2500LBS Dimensions

ASME B16.5 Threaded Flange Class 400-2500LBS Dimensions

ASME B16.5 Threaded Flange Class 400LBS Dimensions
NPS A B I Holes C D F G Weight
1/2″ 95 19.85 16 4 14.2 22.4 38.1 34.9 0.75
3/4″ 117 25.25 19 4 15.7 25.4 47.8 42.9 1.27
1″ 124 31.63 19 4 17.5 26.9 53.8 50.8 1.57
1-1/4″ 133 40.43 19 4 20.6 28.4 63.5 63.5 2.06
1-1/2″ 155 46.53 22 4 22.4 31.8 69.9 73 3.03
2″ 165 58.53 19 8 25.4 36.8 84.1 92.1 3.73
2-1/2″ 191 70.46 22 8 28.4 41.1 100.1 104.8 5.47
3″ 210 86.36 22 8 31.8 46 117.3 127 7.32
3-1/2″ 229 99.06 25 8 35.1 49.3 133.4 139.7 9.22
4″ 254 111.76 25 8 35.1 50.8 146.1 157.2 11.51
5″ 279 138.76 25 8 38.1 53.8 177.8 185.7 14.38
6″ 318 165.76 25 12 41.1 57.2 206.2 215.9 19
8″ 381 216.56 29 12 47.8 68.3 260.4 269.9 29.64
10″ 445 270.46 32 16 55.8 73.2 320.5 323.8 41.74
12″ 521 321.26 35 16 57.2 79.2 374.7 381 59.1
14″ 584 353.06 35 20 60.5 84.1 425.5 412.8 81.58
16″ 648 403.86 39 20 63.5 93.7 482.6 469.9 103.88
18″ 710 454.66 39 24 66.5 98 533.4 533.4 125.12
20″ 775 505.46 42 24 69.9 101.6 587.2 584.2 151.31
24″ 914 607.06 48 24 76.2 114.3 701.5 692.2 226.72


ASME B16.5 Threaded Flange Class 600LBS Dimensions
NPS A B I Holes C D F G Weight
1/2″ 95 19.85 15.7 4 14.2 22.4 38.1 35.1 0.76
3/4″ 117 25.25 19.1 4 15.7 25.4 47.8 42.9 1.27
1″ 124 31.63 19.1 4 17.5 26.9 53.8 50.8 1.57
1-1/4″ 133 40.43 19.1 4 20.6 28.4 63.5 63.5 2.06
1-1/2″ 155 46.53 22.4 4 22.4 31.8 69.9 73.2 3.02
2″ 165 58.53 19.1 8 25.4 36.6 84.1 91.9 3.72
2-1/2″ 191 70.46 22.4 8 28.4 41.1 100.1 104.6 5.45
3″ 210 86.36 22.4 8 31.8 46 117.3 127 7.29
3-1/2″ 229 99.06 25.4 8 35.1 49.3 133.4 139.7 9.19
4″ 273 111.76 25.4 8 38.1 53.8 152.4 157.2 14.88
5″ 330 138.76 28.4 8 44.5 60.5 189 185.7 25.05
6″ 356 165.76 28.4 12 47.8 66.5 222.3 215.9 29.68
8″ 419 216.56 31.8 12 55.6 76.2 273.1 269.7 44.47
10″ 508 270.46 35.1 16 63.5 85.9 342.9 323.9 72.06
12″ 559 321.26 35.1 20 66.5 91.9 400.1 381 86.25
14″ 603 353.06 38.1 20 69.9 93.7 431.8 412.


16″ 686 403.86 41.1 20 76.2 106.4 495.3 469.9 146.16
18″ 743 454.66 44.5 20 82.6 117.3 546.1 533.4 178.32
20″ 813 505.46 44.5 24 88.9 127 609.6 584.2 226.83
24″ 940 607.06 50.8 24 101.6 139.7 717.6 692.2 322.58


ASME B16.5 Threaded Flange Class 900LBS Dimensions
NPS A B I Holes C D F G Weight
1/2″ 121 19.85 23 4 22.4 31.3 38.1 34.9 1.77
3/4″ 130 25.25 23 4 25.4 35.1 44.5 42.9 2.34
1″ 149 31.63 26 4 28.4 41.1 52.3 50.8 3.44
1-1/4″ 159 40.43 26 4 28.4 41.1 63.5 63.5 3.95
1-1/2″ 178 46.53 29 4 31.8 44.5 69.9 73 5.46
2″ 216 58.53 26 8 38.1 57.2 104.6 92.1 9.97
2-1/2″ 244 70.46 29 8 41.1 63.5 124 104.8 13.8
3″ 241 86.36 26 8 38.1 53.8 127 127 11.8
4″ 292 111.76 32 8 44.5 69.9 158.8 157.2 20.19
5″ 349 138.76 35 8 50.8 79.2 190.5 185.7 32.63
6″ 381 165.76 32 12 55.6 85.9 235 215.9 42.06
8″ 470 216.56 39 12 63.5 101.6 298.5 269.9 71.91
10″ 546 270.46 39 16 69.9 108 368.3 323.8 102.39
12″ 610 321.26 39 20 79.2 117.3 419.1 381 135.1
14″ 641 353.06 42 20 85.9 130 450.9 412.8 156.08
16″ 705 403.86 45 20 88.9 133.4 508 46


18″ 787 454.66 51 20 101.6 152.4 565.2 533.4 264.26
20″ 857 505.46 54 20 108 158.8 622.3 584.2 324.72
24″ 1041 607.06 67 20 139.7 203.2 749.3 692.2 618.5


ASME B16.5 Threaded Flange Class 1500LBS Dimensions
NPS A B I Holes C D F G Weight
1/2″ 121 19.85 23 4 22.4 31.8 38.1 34.9 1.77
3/4″ 130 25.25 23 4 25.4 35.1 44.5 42.9 2.34
1″ 149 31.63 26 4 28.4 41.1 52.3 50.8 3.44
1-1/4″ 159 40.43 26 4 28.4 41.1 63.5 63.5 3.95
1-1/2″ 178 46.53 29 4 31.3 44.5 69.9 73 5.39
2″ 216 58.53 26 8 38.1 57.2 104.6 92.1 9.97
2-1/2″ 244 70.46 29 8 41.1 63.5 124 104.3 13.79
3″ 267 86.36 32 8 47.3 73.2 133.4 127 18.22
4″ 311 111.76 35 8 53.8 90.4 162.1 157.2 28.28
5″ 375 138.76 42 8 73.2 104.6 196.9 185.7 52.78
6″ 394 165.76 39 12 82.6 119.1 228.6 215.9 62.09
8″ 483 216.56 45 12 91.9 142.7 292.1 269.9 104.89
10″ 584 270.46 51 12 108 158.8 368.3 323.8 178.42
12″ 673 321.26 54 16 124 180.8 450.9 381 268.39
14″ 749 353.06 61 16 133.4 495.3 412.8
16″ 826 403.86 67 16 146.1 552.5 469.9
18″ 914 454.66 74 16 162.1 596.9 533.4
20″ 984 505.46 80 16 177.8 641.4 584.2
24″ 1168 607.06 93 16 203.2 762 692.2


ASME B16.5 Threaded Flange Class 2500LBS Dimensions
NPS A B I Holes C D F G Weight
1/2″ 133 19.85 23 4 30.2 39.6 42.9 34.9 2.94
3/4″ 140 25.25 23 4 31.8 42.9 50.8 42.9 3.48
1″ 159 31.63 26 4 35.1 47.8 57.2 50.8 4.91
1-1/4″ 184 40.43 29 4 38.1 52.3 73.2 63.5 7.2
1-1/2″ 203 46.53 32 4 44.5 60.5 79.2 73 10.12
2″ 235 58.53 29 8 50.8 69.9 95.3 92.1 14.98
2-1/2″ 267 70.46 32 8 57.2 79.2 114.3 104.8 21.84
3″ 305 86.36 35 8 66.5 91.9 133.4 127 33.02
4″ 356 111.76 42 8 76.8 108 165.1 157.2 50.73
5″ 419 138.76 48 8 91.5 130 203.2 185.7 83.61
6″ 483 165.76 54 8 108 152.4 235 215.9 129.85
8″ 552 216.56 54 12 127 177.8 304.8 269.9 189.89
10″ 673 270.46 67 12 165.1 228.6 374.7 323.8 359.32
12″ 762 321.26 74 12 184.2 254 441.5 381 508.69

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