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Hebei haihao high pressure flange & pipe fitting group was established in 1982, located in Mengcun County the hometown of pipe fittings in China.

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ASME B16.5 Loose Flange/Lap Joint Flange Dimensions

Lap Joint Flanges have all the same common dimensions as any other flange named on this page however it does not have a raised face, they used in conjunction with a “Lap Joint Stub End”. These flanges are nearly identical to a Slip On flange with the exception of a radius at the intersection of the flange face and the bore to accommodate the flanged portion of the Stub End.

ASME B16.5 Lap Joint Flange Dimensions

ASME B16.5 Lap Joint Flange Dimensions


ASME B16.5 Loose Flange Lap Joint Flange Class 150 LBS Dimensions
NPS A B I Holes C D F Weight
1/2″ 89 22.9 15.7 4 11.2 15.7 30.2 0.45
3/4″ 99 28.2 15.7 4 12.7 15.7 38.1 0.64
1″ 108 35.1 15.7 4 14.2 17.5 49.3 0.85
1-1/4″ 117 43.7 15.7 4 15.7 20.6 58.7 1.09
1-1/2″ 127 50 15.7 4 17.5 22.4 65 1.42
2″ 152 62.5 19.1 4 19.1 25.4 77.7 2.17
2-1/2″ 178 75.4 19.1 4 22.4 28.4 90.4 3.48
3″ 191 91.4 19.1 4 23.9 30.2 108 4.06
3-1/2″ 216 104.1 19.1 8 23.9 31.8 122.2 5.05
4″ 229 116.8 19.1 8 23.9 33.3 134.9 5.55
5″ 254 144.5 22.4 8 23.9 36.6 163.6 6.3
6″ 279 171.5 22.4 8 25.4 39.6 192 7.61
8″ 343 222.3 22.4 8 28.4 44.5 246.1 12.35
10″ 406 277.4 25.4 12 30.2 49.3 304.8 16.8
12″ 483 328.2 25.4 12 31.8 55.6 365.3 26.88
14″ 533 360.2 28.4 12 35.1 79.25 400.1 39.56
16″ 597 411.2 28.4 16 36.6 87.4 457.2 51.87
18″ 635 462.3 31.8 16 39.6 96.8 505 56.88
20″ 699 514.4 31.8 20 42.9< /td>

103.1 558.8 71.58
24″ 813 616 35.1 20 47.8 111.3 663.4 99.44


ASME B16.5 Loose Flange Lap Joint Flange Class 300 LBS Dimensions
NPS A B I Holes C D F Weight
1/2″ 95 22.9 15.7 4 14.2 22.4 38.1 0.7
3/4″ 117 28.2 19.1 4 15.7 25.4 47.8 1.2
1″ 124 35.1 19.1 4 17.5 26.9 53.8 1.46
1-1/4″ 133 43.7 19.1 4 19.1 26.9 63.5 1.79
1-1/2″ 155 50 22.4 4 20.6 30.2 69.9 2.62
2″ 165 62.5 19.1 8 22.1 33.3 84.1 3
2-1/2″ 191 75.4 22.4 8 25.4 38.1 100.1 4.53
3″ 210 91.4 22.4 8 28.4 42.9 117.3 6.04
3-1/2″ 229 104.1 22.4 8 30.2 44.5 133.4 7.61
4″ 254 116.8 22.4 8 31.8 47.8 146.1 9.95
5″ 279 144.5 22.4 8 35.1 50.8 177.8 12.5
6″ 318 171.5 22.4 12 36.6 52.3 206.2 16.09
8″ 381 222.3 25.4 12 41.1 62 260.4 24.67
10″ 445 277.4 28.4 16 47.8 95.3 320.5 39.42
12″ 521 328.2 31.8 16 50.8 101.6 374.7 56.45
14″ 584 360.2 31.8 20 53.8 111.3 425.5 81.57
16″ 648 411.2 35.1 20 57.2 120.7 482.6 104.75
18″ 711 462.3 35.1 24 60.5 130 533.4 128.15
20″ 775 514.4 35.1 24 63.5 139.7 587.2 157.65
24″ 914 616 41.1 24 69.9 152.4 701.5 236.32


ASME B16.5 Loose Flange Lap Joint Flange Class 400 LBS Dimensions
NPS A B I Holes C D F Weight
1/2″ 95.3 22.9 15.7 4 14.2 22.4 38.1 0.71
3/4″ 117.3 28.2 19.1 4 15.7 25.4 47.8 1.2
1″ 124 35.1 19.1 4 17.5 26.9 53.8 1.46
1-1/4″ 133.4 43.7 19.1 4 20.6 28.4 63.5 1.93
1-1/2″ 155.4 50 22.4 4 22.4 31.75 69.85 2.85
2″ 165.1 62.5 19.1 8 25.4 36.6 84.1 3.42
2-1/2″ 190.5 75.4 22.4 8 28.4 41.1 100.1 5
3″ 209.6 91.4 22.4 8 31.75 46 117.3 6.65
3-1/2″ 228.6 104.1 25.4 8 35.1 49.3 133.4 8.46
4″ 254 116.8 25.4 8 35.1 50.8 146.1 10.64
5″ 279.4 144.5 25.4 8 38.1 53.8 177.8 13.26
6″ 317.5 171.5 25.4 12 41.1 57.15 206.2 17.43
8″ 381 222.3 28.4 12 47.8 68.3 260.4 27.69
10″ 444.5 277.4 31.75 16 53.8 101.6 320.5 42.26
12″ 520.7 328.2 35.1 16 57.15 108 374.7 60.88
14″ 584.2 360.2 35.1 20 60.45 117.3 425.5 87.64
16″ 647.7 411.2 38.1 20 63.5 127 482.6 111.66
18″ 711.2 462.3 38.1 24 66.55 136.7 533.4 136.17
20″ 774.7 514.4 41.1 24 69.85 146.1 587.2 164.75
24″ 914.4 616 47.8 24 76.2 158.8 701.5 246.15


ASME B16.5 Loose Flange Lap Joint Flange Class 600 LBS Dimensions
NPS A B I Holes C D F Weight
1/2″ 95 22.9 15.7 4 14.2 22.4 38.1 0.7
3/4″ 117 28.2 19.1 4 15.7 25.4 47.8 1.2
1″ 124 35.1 19.1 4 17.5 26.9 53.8 1.46
1-1/4″ 133 43.7 19.1 4 20.6 28.4 63.5 1.92
1-1/2″ 155 50 22.4 4 22.4 31.8 69.9 2.83
2″ 165 62.5 19.1 8 25.4 36.6 84.1 3.41
2-1/2″ 191 75.4 22.4 8 28.4 41.1 100.1 5.03
3″ 210 91.4 22.4 8 31.8 46 117.3 6.69
3-1/2″ 229 104.1 25.4 8 35.1 49.3 133.4 8.5
4″ 273 116.8 25.4 8 38.1 53.8 152.4 14.02
5″ 330 144.5 28.4 8 44.5 60.5 189 23.84
6″ 356 171.5 28.4 12 47.8 66.5 222.3 28.14
8″ 419 222.3 31.8 12 55.6 76.2 273.1 42.28
10″ 508 277.4 35.1 16 63.5 111.3 342.9 75.16
12″ 559 328.2 35.1 20 66.5 117.3 400.1 90.25
14″ 603 360.2 38.1 20 69.9 127 431.8 108.24
16″ 686 411.2 41.1 20 76.2 139.7 495.3 155.63
18″ 743 462.3 44.5 20 82.6 152.4 546.1 188.49
20″ 813 514.4 44.5 24 88.9 165.1 609.6 241.47
24″ 940 616 50.8 24 101.6 184.2 717.6 346


ASME B16.5 Loose Flange Lap Joint Flange Class 600 LBS Dimensions
NPS A B I Holes C D F Weight
1/2″ 120.6 22.9 22.3 4 22.3 31.7 38.1 1.71
3/4″ 130 28.2 22.3 4 25.4 35 44.4 2.28
1″ 149.3 35.1 25.4 4 28.4 41.1 52.3 3.35
1-1/4″ 158.7 43.7 25.4 4 28.4 41.1 63.5 3.79
1-1/2″ 177.8 50 28.4 4 31.7 44.4 69.85 5.25
2″ 215.9 62.5 25.4 8 38.1 57.15 104.6 9.65
2-1/2″ 244.3 75.4 28.4 8 41.1 63.5 123.9 13.38
3″ 241.3 91.4 25.4 8 38.1 53.8 127 11.26
4″ 292.1 116.8 31.7 8 44.4 69.85 158.7 19.23
5″ 349.2 144.5 35 8 50.8 79.25 190.5 31.29
6″ 381 171.5 31.7 12 55.6 85.8 234.9 40.34
8″ 469.9 222.3 38.1 12 63.5 114.3 298.4 72.69
10″ 546.1 277.4 38.1 16 69.85 127 368.3 105.97
12″ 609.6 328.2 38.1 20 79.25 142.7 419.1 141.33
14″ 641.3 360.2 41.1 20 85.8 155.4 450.8 162.58
16″ 704.8 411.2 44.4 20 88.9 165.1 508 199.78
18″ 787.4 462.3 50.8 20 101.6 190.5 565.1 280.05
20″ 857.2 514.4 53.8 20 107.9 209.5 622.3 351.11
24″ 1041.4 616 66.55 20 139.7 266.7 749.3 673.48


ASME B16.5 Loose Flange Lap Joint Flange Class 1500 LBS Dimensions
NPS A B I Holes C D F Weight
1/2″ 120.6 22.9 22.3 4 22.3 31.7 38.1 1.71
3/4″ 130 28.2 22.3 4 25.4 35 44.4 2.28
1″ 149.3 35.1 25.4 4 28.4 41.1 52.3 3.35
1-1/4″ 158.7 43.7 25.4 4 28.4 41.1 63.5 3.79
1-1/2″ 177.8 50 28.4 4 31.7 44.4 69.85 5.25
2″ 215.9 62.5 25.4 8 38.1 57.15 104.6 9.65
2-1/2″ 244.3 75.4 28.4 8 41.1 63.5 123.9 13.38
3″ 266.7 91.4 31.7 8 47.7 73.15 133.3 17.57
4″ 311.1 116.8 35 8 53.8 90.4 162 27.17
5″ 374.6 144.5 41.1 8 73.15 104.6 196.8 51.24
6″ 399.7 171.5 38.1 12 82.5 119.1 228.6 62.6
8″ 482.6 222.3 44.4 12 91.9 142.7 292.1 101.8
10″ 584.2 277.4 50.8 12 107.9 177.8 368.3 180.54
12″ 673.1 328.2 53.8 16 123.9 218.9 450.8 284.37
14″ 749.3 360.2 60.45 16 133.3 241.3 495.3 383.7
16″ 825.5 411.2 66.55 16 146 260.3 552.4 493.3
18″ 914.4 462.3 73.15 16 162 276.3 596.9 636.61
20″ 984.2 514.4 79.25 16 177.8 292.1 641.3 764.97
24″ 1168.4 616 91.9 16 203.2 330.2 762 1223.13


ASME B16.5 Loose Flange Lap Joint Flange Class 2500 LBS Dimensions
NPS A B I Holes C D F Weight
1/2″ 133.4 22.9 22.4 4 30.2 39.6 42.9 2.92
3/4″ 139.7 28.2 22.4 4 31.75 42.9 50.8 3.39
1″ 158.8 35.1 25.4 4 35.1 47.8 57.15 4.79
1-1/4″ 184.2 43.7 28.4 4 38.1 52.3 73.15 7.06

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