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Hebei haihao high pressure flange & pipe fitting group was established in 1982, located in Mengcun County the hometown of pipe fittings in China.

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ASME B16.48 Spectacle Flange/Spectacle Blind/Paddle Flange/Spades Spacers Dimensions

ASME B16.48 Spectacle Flanges Dimensions

ASME B16.48 Spectacle Flanges Dimensions

A spectacle blind is a safety device used to isolate a section of line or piece of equipment when the line or equipment needs to be inspected or removed from service. It is different than a valve in that the blind is a permanent or long term isolation device. A spectacle blind is machined from a single piece of metal that is cut to match the pipe size, fit between two pipe flanges and requires an additional gasket when it is installed. Also, the bolts will need to be lengthened depending on what piping class and size blind is used. The thickness of the spectacle blind is specified based on the line pressure and pipe size.


ASME B16.48 Spectacle Flange Class 150 LBS Dimensions
NPS O B A t G RF W Wt Dh Weight
1/2″ 45 16 60 3 35.1 1.6 38 2 15.7 0.12
3/4″ 54 21 70 3 42.9 1.6 38 2 15.7 0.17
1″ 64 27 80 3 50.8 1.6 38 2 15.7 0.23
1-1/4″ 73 42 90 6.4 63.5 1.6 38 4 15.7 0.49
1-1/2″ 83 48 100 6.4 73.2 1.6 38 4 15.7 0.63
2″ 102 61 120 6.4 91.9 1.6 51 4 19.1 0.96
2-1/2″ 107 73 140 6.4 104.6 1.6 51 4 19.1 1.07
3″ 133 89 150 6.4 127 1.6 64 4 19.1 1.59
3-1/2″ 159 102 175 9.7 139.7 1.6 64 6 19.1 3
4″ 172 114 190 9.7 157.2 1.6 64 6 19.1 3.52
5″ 194 141 215 9.7 185.7 1.6 76 6 22.4 4.34
6″ 219 168 240 12.7 215.9 1.6 76 8 22.4 6.66
8″ 276 219 300 12.7 269.7 1.6 76 8 22.4 10.19
10″ 337 273 360 15.7 323.9 1.6 102 10 25.4 17.59
12″ 406 324 430 19.1 381 1.6 102 13 25.4 30.31
14″ 448 356 475 19.1 412.8 1.6 108 13 28.4 36.8
16″ 511 406 540 22.4 469.9 1.6 108 15 28.4 55.11
18″ 546 457 580 25.4 533.4 1.6 114 17 31.8 68.18
20″ 603 508 635 28.4 584.2 1.6 121 19 31.8 90.98
24″ 714 610 750 31.8 692.2 1.6 140 21 35.1 139.19


ASME B16.48 Spectacle Flange Class 300 LBS Dimensions
NPS O B A t G RF W Wt Dh Weight
1/2″ 51 16 65 6.4 35.1 1.6 38 4 15.7 0.25
3/4″ 64 21 80 6.4 42.9 1.6 38 4 19.1 0.38
1″ 70 27 90 6.4 50.8 1.6 38 4 19.1 0.46
1-1/4″ 79 42 100 6.4 63.5 1.6 38 4 19.1 0.56
1-1/2″ 92 48 115 6.4 73.2 1.6 38 4 22.4 0.76
2″ 108 61 125 9.7 91.9 1.6 51 6 19.1 1.46
2-1/2″ 127 73 150 9.7 104.6 1.6 51 6 22.4 1.98
3″ 146 89 170 9.7 127 1.6 64 6 22.4 2.61
3-1/2″ 162 102 185 12.7 139.7 1.6 64 8 22.4 3.93
4″ 178 114 200 12.7 157.2 1.6 64 8 22.4 4.73
5″ 213 141 235 15.7 185.7 1.6 76 10 22.4 7.93
6″ 248 168 270 15.7 215.9 1.6 76 10 22.4 10.56
8″ 305 219 330 22.4 269.7 1.6 76 15 25.4 21.16
10″ 359 273 385 25.4 323.9 1.6 102 17 28.4 31.63
12″ 419 324 450 28.4 381 1.6 102 19 31.8 47.11
14″ 483 356 515 31.8 412.8 1.6 108 21 31.8 71.3
16″ 536 406 570 38.1 469.9 1.6 108 25 35.1 102.25
18″ 594 457 630 41.1 533.4 1.6 114 27 35.1 133.67
20″ 651 508 685 44.5 584.2 1.6 121 30 35.1 170.85
24″ 772 610 810 50.8 692.2 1.6 140 34 41.1 269.41
ASME B16.48 Spectacle Flange Class 600 LBS Dimensions
NPS O B A t G RF W Wt Dh Weight
1/2″ 51 16 65 6.4 35.1 6.35 38 4 15.7 0.38
3/4″ 64 21 80 6.4 42.9 6.35 38 4 19.1 0.57
1″ 70 27 90 6.4 50.8 6.35 57 4 19.1 0.73
1-1/4″ 79 37 100 9.7 63.5 6.35 57 6 19.1 1.24
1-1/2″ 92 43 115 9.7 73.2 6.35 67 6 22.4 1.65
2″ 108 55 125 9.7 91.9 6.35 57 6 19.1 2.33
2-1/2″ 127 67 150 12.7 104.6 6.35 67 8 22.4 3.61
3″ 146 83 170 12.7 127 6.35 67 8 22.4 4.87
3-1/2″ 159 96 185 15.7 139.7 6.35 76 10 25.4 6.46
4″ 191 108 215 15.7 157.2 6.35 76 10 25.4 9
5″ 238 135 265 19.1 185.7 6.35 86 13 28.4 15.34
6″ 264 162 290 22.4 215.9 6.35 86 15 28.4 21.06
8″ 318 212 350 28.4 269.7 6.35 95 19 31.8 35.75
10″ 397 265 430 35.1 323.9 6.35 105 23 35.1 64.41
12″ 454 315 490 41.1 381 6.35 105 27 35.1 94.88
14″ 489 346 525 44.5 412.8 6.35 114 30 38.1 116.37
16″ 562 397 605 50.8 469.9 6.35 124 34 41.1 171.78
18″ 610 448 655 53.8 533.4 6.35 133 36 44.5 210.36
20″ 679 497 725 63.5 584.2 6.35 133 42 44.5 299.91
24″ 787 597 840 73.2 692.2 6.35 152 49 50.8 447.64


ASME B16.48 Spectacle Flange Class 600 LBS Dimensions
NPS O B A t G RF W Wt Dh Weight
1/2″ 60 16 80 6.4 34.9 6.35 38 4 23 0.46
3/4″ 67 21 90 6.4 42.9 6.35 41 4 23 0.61
1″ 76 27 100 6.4 50.8 6.35 57 4 26 0.8
1-1/4″ 86 37 110 9.7 63.5 6.35 57 6 26 1.37
1-1/2″ 95 43 125 9.7 73 6.35 67 6 29 1.73
2″ 140 55 165 12.7 92.1 6.35 57 8 26 3.98
2-1/2″ 162 67 190 12.7 104.8 6.35 67 8 29 5.21
3″ 165 83 190 15.7 127 6.35 67 10 26 6.68
4″ 203 108 235 19.1 157.2 6.35 76 13 32 11.45
5″ 244 135 280 22.4 185.7 6.35 86 15 35 18.15
6″ 286 162 320 25.4 215.9 6.35 86 17 32 27.04
8″ 356 212 395 35.1 269.9 6.35 95 23 39 53.48
10″ 432 265 470 41.1 323.8 6.35 105 27 39 88.31
12″ 495 315 535 47.8 381 6.35 105 32 39 130.89
14″ 518 346 560 53.8 412.8 6.35 114 36 42 156.56
16″ 572 397 615 60.5 469.9 6.35 124 40 45 208.72
18″ 635 448 685 66.5 533.4 6.35 133 44 51 278.8
20″ 696 497 750 73.2 584.2 6.35 133 49 54 361.74
24″ 835 597 900 88.9 692.2 6.35 152 59 67 619.04


ASME B16.48 Spectacle Flange Class 1500 LBS Dimensions
NPS O B A t G RF W Wt Dh Weight
1/2″ 61 16 80 6.4 34.9 6.35 38 4 23 0.46
3/4″ 67 21 90 9.7 42.9 6.35 41 6 23 0.79
1″ 76 27 100 9.7 50.8 6.35 64 6 26 1.05
1-1/4″ 86 35 110 9.7 63.5 6.35 64 6 26 1.4
1-1/2″ 95 41 125 12.7 73 6.35 70 8 29 2.08
2″ 140 53 165 12.7 92.1 6.35 70 8 26 4.04
2-1/2″ 162 63 190 15.7 104.3 6.35 76 10 29 6.21
3″ 172 78 205 19.1 127 6.35 76 13 32 8.47
4″ 206 102 240 22.4 157.2 6.35 89 15 35 13.58
5″ 251 128 290 28.4 185.7 6.35 89 19 42 23.62
6″ 279 154 320 35.1 215.9 6.35 89 23 39 34.45
8″ 349 203 395 41.1 269.9 6.35 102 27 45 60.13
10″ 432 255 480 50.8 323.8 6.35 114 34 51 108.77
12″ 518 303 570 60.5 381 6.35 114 40 54 182.62
14″ 575 333 635 66.5 412.8 6.35 127 44 61 245.28
16″ 638 381 705 76.2 469.9 6.35 133 51 67 339.62
18″ 702 429 775 85.9 533.4 6.35 146 57 74 457.52
20″ 752 478 830 95.3 584.2 6.35 152 64 80 569.25
24″ 899 575 990 111.3 692.2 6.35 178 74 93 936.93


ASME B16.48 Spectacle Flange Class 2500 LBS Dimensions
NPS O B A t G RF W Wt Dh Weight
1/2″ 67 16 90 9.7 34.9 6.35 38 6 23 0.72
3/4″ 73 21 95 9.7 42.9 6.35 41 6 23 0.89
1″ 83 27 110 9.7 50.8 6.35 64 6 26 1.19
1-1/4″ 102 35 130 12.7 63.5 6.35 64 8 29 2.14
1-1/2″ 114 41 145 15.7 73 6.35 70 10 32 3.17
2″ 143 53 170 15.7 92.1 6.35 70 10 29 4.9
2-1/2″ 165 63 195 19.1 104.8 6.35 76 13 32 7.5
3″ 194 78 230 22.4 127 6.35 76 15 35 11.81
4″ 232 102 275 28.4 157.2 6.35 89 19 42 20.45
5″ 276 128 325 35.1 185.7 6.35 89 23 48 34.01
6″ 314 154 370 41.1 215.9 6.35 89 27 54 49.98
8″ 384 198 440 53.8 269.9 6.35 102 36 54 94.12
10″ 473 248 540 66.5 323.8 6.35 114 44 67 171.27
12″ 546 289 620 79.2 381 6.35 114 53 74 268.26

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