The Egyptian government implement the ACID (Advance Cargo Information Declaration) filing system for imported goods from Oct 1, 2021. This is actually a dual certification for both importers and exporters.
The following is an introduction to the ACID number application process.

ACID Number of Egypt Apply from CargoX
1.The Egyptian importer needs to register in the Egyptian Nafeza system when it meets the original import qualifications;
2.All exporters from various countries exporting to Egypt need to register with CargoX and complete account authentication;

ACID Number of Egypt Apply from CargoX
3.The Egyptian importer shall apply for the import ACID number in the Nafeza system according to the invoice and packing list provided by the exporter before the goods are shipped;
4.Nafeza will send the ACID number to the mailbox of both importers and exporters after accepting the best-effort declaration. The exporter should print the ACID and importer’s information on all customs clearance documents, and the shipping company should add the ACID number and importer’s information on the bill of lading;

ACID Number of Egypt Apply from CargoX
5.The exporter must upload a scanned copy of the file with ACID number information to CargoX;
6.After the importer receives the scanned copy of the customs clearance document with the ACID number, upload it to the Nafeza system;
7.On Nafeza and Cargo C, the identification information of the importer and exporter is mainly through the company’s tax number;
Once the ACID declaration is completed, the shipper and consignee information cannot be changed, so the shipper and consignee information must be carefully confirmed before declaration. ACID requires an application for each shipment, and the ACID number is valid for three months.