The ABS(American bureau of Shipping) inspector visited Hebei Haihao Group for the Annual verification,our engineer department and workshop work together with the inspector to satisfy the technical requirement of ABS Type Approval Certificate.(ABS Inspector visited Haihao Group and did the inspection)

Witnessing Raw Material Testing Process
To clarify the purpose and procedures of the Type Approval certifi cation scheme;the Committee agreed that such scheme include the following steps:
- Engineering evaluation;
- Witnessing the manufacturing and testing processes;
- Evaluating the manufacturing arrangements; and
- Issuing of a Type Approval Certificate generally valid for not more thanfive years which may be subject to annual inspections or verification ofthe manufacturer’s process after all the above-mentioned procedures have been satisfactorily completed.

Witnessing Pipe Fittings Flanges Manufacturing Process
Our group got the type approval certification for the steel pipe fittings and flanges,both the Product Design Assessment (PDA) and Manufacturing Assessment (MA). It is essential for the our company to receive a annual audit from ABS as per request.

Witnessing Products Inspection
After the professional work of our engineers and ABS inspector,our company finished the annual audit and kept the ABS type approval certificate.